An der VHS НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова hat Vize Rektor Gennady Ryabov einige spannende Projekte gestartet um junge Erwachsene wieder vermehrt für die Kunst zu begeistern.
Dies zog auch das Interesse eines lokalen Fernsehsenders nach sich und führte schliesslich zu einem Interview, dass es sich lohnt zu sehen (nur auf Russisch).
Link zum Interview:
Gennady ist ein Mann den ich sehr respektiere. Geboren am 23.12.1954, verheiratet seit 1969 mit Ксения Рябова, 2 sehr erfolgreiche Kinder. Er ist auch Honorarkonsul der Französischen Republik in Nischni Nowgorod und Berater des Direktors der HSE Nischni Nowgorod, wie auch in einem Bericht der HSE aus dem Jahr 2014 thematisiert:
The Vice-Consul of France in Russia, Jean-Pierre Guillerme, was appointed to his position two months ago. This was Jean-Pierre Guillerme’s first time visiting Nizhny Novgorod with his new title. The main purpose of the visit to HSE’s Nizhny Novgorod campus was to meet with Gennady Ryabov, who is the Honorary Consul of the French Republic in Nizhny Novgorod and Advisor to the Director of HSE Nizhny Novgorod.
According to Mr Guillerme, out of the four regional French Honorary Consuls in Russia, it was specifically the Honorary Consul in Nizhny Novgorod whom he decided to visit first. The Vice-Consul emphasised that he had heard a lot about Ryabov’s many accomplishments. The meeting’s participants discussed new projects and future cooperation.
After meeting with Honorary Consul Ryabov, Mr Guillerme expressed his desire to talk with HSE Nizhny Novgorod students. After some introductory remarks, the Vice-Consul allowed the students to ask him any questions they had. The students were mostly interested in the possibility of studying in France in the future. Vice-Consul Guillerme gave several recommendations, noting that people in France would be pleased to see students from HSE Nizhny Novgorod in their county.
Link zu Gennady Ryabov bei Facebook: